Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Setbacks and delays

Seems like it happened just a little bit too early.

Moving closer to the river, moving south to be in a slightly warmer climate, moving closer to the center of the business of the city... These were all shifts in the right direction. Getting the kids into a different school system, being five minutes away from work, having lots of businesses close to us for the wife to get a job... All good moves. Checks on the list, if you will.

Getting into a different state, learning new tax rules and payment laws and all the rest. It was a good idea, right? Starting the slow crawl to get out from under debt and start saving money for the big move out to a farm somewhere and be free of at least some of the rat race.

I got terminated from my job last Thursday (or was it Wednesday?), and although the reason given was something about getting a complaint from a client, I'm pretty sure that if it were something so banal as that, I'd be written up, scolded, and we'd all move on.

Regardless, here I sit, after sifting through ten job posting sites and calling a few staffing firms, feeling lonely and a little out of sorts. I have enough cash to pay for the rent and regular bills, enough food to keep my family from starving, and hell, I'm listening to Pandora and typing this from my couch in the warmth of my house. Things aren't so bad, I guess they just happened too quickly for me.

Had my debt been paid off, had I amassed some savings for some land, had I been just a bit further in the grand plan, I'd be fine with getting term'd for no good reason. But instead, I have to shift things around, ensure that bills get covered, put on the smiley face for interviews, and try to stick myself back into the rat race for a few more years.

The weird thing about the season, though, is that lots of people are getting the flu, having to reschedule interviews and sit-downs... So things get delayed even more.