Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Garden Update

We've been busy with the Garden and life in general, but here's a quick update with pics:

This is the first section of plants we started immediately after the rains of 2011. It's essentially tomatoes, flowers, peppers, and herbs. Everything seems to be growing rather well. We've since added more good soil and some fertilizer/plant food to this soil since this picture, but this is a good size estimate.

This is the left garden, started about two or three weeks after the right garden. Squash, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, more herbs, and other weird things are in the dirt. Our cucumber wasn't liking this spot, so we converted one of the big white buckets to a pot, now it seems to be happier.

I've decided to try my hand at some hops this year. First little guy is a Nugget. It seems to be the best growing so far. Has three reaching vines which I'll need to build a rope system for. I'm not really counting on a big harvest for any of my hops this year; it's a development year to get the roots in place and activated for next year.

Second is my Fuggle. So far, it hasn't really done much but send up leaves. No reaching vines, no real sturdy stem structure yet, but I have hope.

And finally, the Mt Hood. I'm guessing that since this rhizome was a hollow tube, it will just take a little longer to develop and grow? Since this picture, I've already seen about an inch and a half more growth.

Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with a weekly update on the Garden front.

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